Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Fresh Start

I think I'll be giving this another go. I used to write in an online journal fairly regularly, but life gets in the way. I'm fairly certain I'm in the middle of some sort of "quarter-life crisis." Although, since I have no job lined up since graduating last year, no prospects, and I still live with my parents, I can't say it's unjustified. It's not that I'm ungrateful for what I have, it's just...difficult to stay positive. I do try to keep myself occupied, at least. I treated myself to a new Kathy van Zeeland bag, and I've been going through my room, trying to sort out what I need, and what I can live without. Not as easy as it sounds. I actually found a bunch of old papers and notes from high school. Yeah, that was nine years ago. Not sure I need any of that, but I can't seem to throw it away. The joys of being a pack rat. Anyway, I'm not sure how often I'll be writing on here, but it's my blog, with it.


  1. Holy crap, your layout is adorable :)

    1. Thanks! I was too lazy to figure out some of the code, but I'm happy with it for now.
